At Connect Resource, we are always looking to plan, create and renovate offices with flexible designs in mind. This is so no matter what you need your workspace to cater to, it is set up in a way that helps you deal with the task at hand.
From logistics to wellbeing of workers, we look to make offices as functional as possible. And with the current pandemic, workspaces need to be more flexible then ever. To follow guidelines and keep workers safe, adequate space is needed. So that means some layout changes. Dividing workstations and installing dividers and separation panels between sections can mean your keeping workers safe and able to carry on working.
For us, we always pay conscious attention to the health of those who will work in the spaces we create. And in these unprecedented times, the health of those around us is more crucial then ever. With innotive and smart design, we can make sure that their workspaces are able to help them not only work, but stay healthy too.